The BLANK function returns an empty value.




This function does not accept arguments.

Returned value

The BLANK function returns an empty value.

Additional Information

An empty value and an empty character string ("") are different values, although in certain contexts they are treated the same by some functions.


The following example uses the SEARCH function to find the first occurrence of the letter "a" in the Manufacturer column, and the REPLACE function to replace two characters from that position with "__" (double underline). The REPLACE function is included as the first argument of the IFERROR function so that in those cases where no letter "a" is found (occasions when the SEARCH function is going to return an error), a controlled result is returned (a BLANK in this case).

Note how, in the last row, the letter "a" occupies the last position of the text string, so when replacing it with "__", the length of the string returned by REPLACE increases by one.

BLANK function: Example of use

Submitted by admin on Mon, 12/03/2018 - 23:34