The BETA.DIST function returns the value of the beta distribution for a given x value. The beta distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions defined on the interval [0, 1] by two positive shape parameters, named alpha and beta.



  • x: Value between A and B for which to calculate the value of the beta distribution.
  • alpha: alpha parameter of the distribution.
  • beta: Beta parameter of the distribution.
  • acc: Logical value that determines the form of the function: True returns the cumulative distribution function and False returns the probability density function.
  • A: Optional. Lower limit of the interval in which x can be found.
  • B: Optional. Upper limit of the interval in which x can be found.
Returned value

The BETA.DIST function returns a real number.

Additional Information

If any argument is of type non-numeric, the function returns a #VALUE! Error.

If alpha or beta take values less than or equal to zero, the function returns a #NUM! Error.

If x does not belong to the closed interval [A, B] or if A is equal to B , the function returns a #NUM! Error.


In this example we want to find out the value that the beta distribution function takes at the point x = 0.31 for the parameters alpha = 2 and beta = 3, considering the cumulative distribution function and limits for x of 0 and 1:

BETA.DIST function. Example of use
Submitted by admin on Thu, 01/10/2019 - 10:47