The EXPON.DIST function returns the value of the exponential distribution corresponding to a number.



  • x: Value for which to calculate the exponential distribution.
  • λ: Lambda parameter of the distribution.
  • cumulative: Logical value that determines the form of the function to return. If it takes the value True, the EXPON.DIST function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it takes the value False, it will return the probability density function.
Returned value

The EXPON.DIST function returns a real number.

Additional Information

The equation used to return the probability density function is:

And the equation used to return the cumulative distribution function is:

If x or λ are non-numeric values, EXPON.DIST returns a #VALUE! error.

If x or λ are not integers, they are rounded.

If x is less than zero, the function returns the #NUM! error.

If λ is less than or equal to zero, the function returns the #NUM! error.


We can calculate the probability density function for x = 1.4 with the following measure:

dist = EXPON.DIST(1.4, 2, FALSE)

EXPON.DIST function. Example of use
Submitted by admin on Thu, 01/17/2019 - 15:37